Starting a new journey in faith is exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. Whether you’re newly converted or just beginning to grow in your relationship with Christ, you may have moments when you feel unsure, discouraged, or even like you’re not “spiritual enough.”
But here’s the good news: God never intended for us to walk this journey alone. He places people in our lives to lift us up, strengthen us, and remind us of His love. That’s where encouragement comes in.
In the Bible, there was a man named Barnabas, and his name literally means “son of encouragement.” He was one of the most important figures in the early church—not because he preached great sermons or wrote famous letters (like Paul), but because he was a source of encouragement to those who needed it most.
1. Speak Life Over Others
Words have power. Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death.” When you see someone struggling, your words can either build them up or tear them down. Speak words of faith, hope, and love to your friends, family, and fellow believers.
- Instead of saying, “You’ll never get through this,” say, “God has a plan for you, and I believe He will bring you through.”
- Instead of saying, “You’re not good enough,” say, “God is working in you, and He’s not finished yet!”
Encouraging words have the power to change someone’s perspective and renew their strength in difficult times.
2. Help Others See Their Potential
When everyone else doubted Paul and John Mark, Barnabas saw something in them that others didn’t. Sometimes, people just need one person to believe in them.
If you see someone struggling with doubt, remind them of who they are in Christ:
- You are loved (Romans 8:38-39).
- You are chosen (1 Peter 2:9).
- You are capable (Philippians 4:13).
Be the person who calls out the potential and purpose in others, just like Barnabas did.
Encouragement isn’t just for pastors or mature Christians—it’s for everyone. Whether you’re new to the faith or have been walking with Jesus for years, you can be a light in someone’s life.
Take a moment today to ask God:
“Lord, who needs encouragement today? How can I be a Barnabas to them?”
And when you hear that answer—act on it.
You never know how your encouragement might help someone step into their God-given destiny.
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